A beautifully designed productivity timer
for iPhone and iPod touch

A beautifully designed productivity timer
for iPhone and iPod touch
Phocus is a simple time management app aimed at helping you be more productive throughout the day.
Nowadays, it can be pretty hard to avoid distraction while you're trying to get stuff done, what with email and Twitter and lolcats just a click away. That's where Phocus comes in.
It splits your workday into a series of timed work periods, each followed by a rest period. Knowing a break is just around the corner makes focusing on your current task a lot easier.
With its prominent timer and color-coded progress bar, Phocus acts as a constant reminder, encouraging you to concentrate and letting you know when it's okay to goof around for a bit.
Easily spot your remaining time. (Or hide the countdown if it's distracting you.)
As you work, the bar fills up, shifting from red to orange to yellow to green. Then it drains away during breaks, which are blue. Repeat.
It's easy to set the work, break, and reward durations to fit your specific needs.
When it's closed, Phocus can still alert you to the end of a phase.
Sounds are nice, but they're optional. Toggle each independently to your liking.
Every carefully-thought-out pixel really shines in iOS 4, especially on the Retina Display.
Easily spot your remaining time. (Or hide the countdown if it's distracting you.)
As you work, the bar fills up. Then it drains away during breaks and rewards. Repeat.
It's easy to set the work, break, and reward durations to fit your specific needs.
It'll show up during work phases, silently nagging you to stop clockwatching.
Keep an eye on the running tallies for your completed and retried phases.
Prevent your device from falling asleep if you work with Phocus open nearby.
Leave with the timer counting down, and it'll continue while you're gone.
When it's closed, Phocus can still alert you to the end of a phase.
Set the timer to automatically continue to the next phase in the background.
Sounds are nice but optional. Toggle the alarms, effects, and ticking independently.
Every carefully-thought-out pixel really shines, especially on the Retina Display.
Phocus is made to be as simple, beautiful, and fun to use as possible. Enjoy : )
A beautifully designed productivity timer
for iPhone and iPod touch